GasLogger O2 + RH + Temp + Pr

A unicorn instrument that measures Oxygen + Humidity + Temperature + Pressure. Designed to be packed inside a food package, the miniaturised GasLogger will continuously monitor O2 + RH + Temp + Pr whilst simultaneously logging the data. The data can be either wirelessly transmitted to a PC (with the USB interface) from inside the food package or you can download the logged data at a future point in time, when the Logger and USB interface are reunited.

Unique innovative all in one mini O2 and humidity analyser

Battery powered via integrated long life battery

Can be pre-programmed for specific measuring schedule

Can log and transmit data live + wirelessly

Dynamic data in real time from inside your package or container!

Product information

A completely unique instrument to measure O2 + RH + Temp + Pr from inside a package or container. It is not much bigger than a pack of matches and can sealed inside a package to monitor changing conditions throughout the product life and or during transit. Programmable to wake and measure at various time intervals, the GasLogger can be used to measure over a period of weeks or even months.

Download a data sheet for full product and technical specification

Modified Active Packaging (MAP)

Food Industry

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Gas Analysers

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